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Already Enrolled in Fast Forward or SmartCheck?

Here is how to convert to DirectPay on your mobile phone:

1. Log into the Shaw's Deals & Delivery mobile device application on your smartphone

2. Click on Member, then select Wallet

3. Click on Your receipts & contactless...

4. Select Ready for Checkout

5. Click on the Link next to DirectPay

6. Enter your cell phone number and one-time Passcode for Identify Verification

7. Locate Already Enrolled in Fast Foward or SmartCheck, then click on the link

8. Enter your existing SmartCheck* Card Number, or Fast Forward Cardless Access Number

9. Enter your current PIN to authenticate your exisiting SmartCheck or Fast Forward Account

You are now successfully enrolled in DirectPay!

Note: Purchase and Cash Back limits may take 48-72 hours to be applied to your DirectPay.

*Club Cards beginning with a 4 require you to first enter 600585 before entering the club card number visible on the card. For example:  6005854xxxxxxxxxx

Questions?  Call DirectPay Payment Services at 1-866-392-9517